Sunday, October 6, 2024


Table of Contents


  1. Admission bed and its accessories (Per patient condition)
  2. Manual or electronic folder
  3. Pen and paper
  4. Vital signs tray
  5. Admission and Discharge documents (Manual or Electronic)
    1. Admission and Discharge book
    2. TPR and BP charts
    3. Treatment sheets
    4. Inventory/Property book
    5. Ward state
    6. Report book
  6. Treatment or emergency tray


  1. Welcome the patient, relative(s) and accompanying nurse and take them to the nurse’s station
  2. Collect the necessary stationery for admission
  3. Identify and confirm the patient’s name
  4. Give chairs to the patient and relative(s) to sit
  5. Establish rapport (refer procedure) with the patient and relative(s)
  6. Ensure consent form has been signed by patient or significant others
  7. Complete the necessary admission forms (manual/electronic) by filling them with information collected from patient and relative(s)
  8. Search and remove all dangerous items such as sharps, lighter, chemicals etc. from patient if any
  9. Examine the patient from head to toe and record
  10. Conduct a quick assessment of the patient’s mental status
  11. Check vital signs and Blood Oxygen Saturation(SpO2) and record
  12. Ensure routine investigations (RBS, FBS, FBC etc.) per hospital protocol are checked and recorded
  13. Check weight and height of patient and record
  14. Inform relative(s) about the protocols for admission and visiting hours
  15. Assist patient to maintain personal hygiene if necessary
  16. Orient patient to his/her new environment
  17. Administer and record any prescribed treatment and observe its effects
  18. Take inventory of patient’s property and record
  19. Explain National Health/Private Insurance Schemes to patient and relative(s)
    1. If patient is a scheme holder, go ahead and process
    2. If patient is a cash-in patient, request for deposit per the institutional protocol
  20. Enter patient’s name into admission and discharge book and ward state
  21. Express appreciation to patient and relative(s)
  22. Allow relative(s) to see patient and bid goodbye
  23. Prepare care plan to nurse the patient
  24. Inform psychiatric social worker in the hospital
  25. Inform community psychiatric nurse in the patient’s community
  26. Document all assessments, findings and treatments in nurses’ notes (manual or electronic)