The anterior fontanelle is characterized as"
The anterior fontanelle is a diamond shape with the anteroposterior diameter being longer than the transverse diameter. The posterior fontanelle is a triangular shape.
Which of the following characteristics will distinguish a postmature neonate at birth?
A post mature fetus has the appearance of an old person with dry wrinkled skin and the vernix caseosa has already diminished.
The minimum birth weight for full-term babies to be considered normal is:
According to the WHO standard, the minimum normal birth weight of a full-term baby is 2,500 gms or 2.5 Kg.
At what APGAR score at 5 minutes after birth should resuscitation be initiated?
An APGAR of 1-3 is a sign of fetal distress which requires resuscitation. The baby is alright if the score is 8-10.
Right after birth, when the skin of the baby’s trunk is pinkish but the soles of the feet and palm of the hands are bluish this is called:
Acrocyanosis is the term used to describe the baby’s skin color at birth when the soles and palms are bluish but the trunk is pinkish.
The neonatal circulation differs from the fetal circulation because
The fetal lungs are fluid-filled while in utero and are still not functioning. It only begins to function in extrauterine life. Except for the blood as it enters the fetus immediately from the placenta, most of the fetal blood is mixed blood.
The normal respiration of a newborn immediately after birth is characterized as:
A newly born baby still is adjusting to extra uterine life and the lungs are just beginning to function as a respiratory organ. The respiration of the baby at this time is characterized as usually shallow and irregular with short periods of apnea, 30-60 breaths per minute. The apneic periods should be brief lasting, not more than 15 seconds otherwise it will be considered abnormal.
The ideal site for vitamin K injection in the newborn is:
Neonates do not have well-developed muscles of the arm. Since Vitamin K is given intramuscular, the site must have sufficient muscles like the middle third of the thigh.
This procedure is done to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum is:
Crede’s method/prophylaxis is the procedure done to prevent ophthalmia neonatorum which the baby can acquire as it passes through the birth canal of the mother. Usually, an ophthalmic ointment is used.
Postpartum blues is said to be normal provided that the following characteristics are present. These are 1. Within 3-10 days only; 2. Woman exhibits the following symptoms- episodic tearfulness, fatigue, oversensitivity, poor appetite; 3. Maybe more severe symptoms in primipara
All the symptoms 1-3 are characteristic of postpartal blues. It will resolve by itself because it is transient and is due to a number of reasons like changes in hormonal levels and adjustment to motherhood. If symptoms last more than 2 weeks, this could be a sign of abnormality like postpartum depression and needs treatment.
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