As the number of confirmed covid-19 cases in Ghana increases, more healthcare workers especially nurses and midwives are getting infected each day. On May 12, the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association indicated that over 30 nurses and midwives tested positive for COVID-19. Since then more than 88 healthcare workers including nursing and midwives have tested positive for covid-19.
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Western Region reportedly had 43 health workers testing positive, while the Eastern and Ashanti Regions have recorded 15 and 30 cases respectively. The increase in rate of infection among healthcare workers has mostly been attributed to inadequate and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE’s) including face masks, gloves, gowns, aprons, goggles, face shields etc.
[appbox googleplay screenshots com.nursinginghana.licensurequizgame]
Ghana currently has 6,808 confirmed cases with 2,070 recoveries and 32 deaths.