A nurse by name Josephine Younge is appealing for funds to undergo a cancer surgery. Josephine Younge, a 22-year-old nurse who completed Sekondi Nursing and Midwifery Training College is battling with a rare type of cancer called pseudopapillary tumour of the Pancreas. Pseudopapillary tumour of the pancreas is a rare neoplasm, usually characterized by a well encapsulated mass, with low malignant potential. It occurs predominantly in young females, in their third decade of life.
Josephine needs about USD 3000 for the surgery. The following contacts are available for donations:
Mobile Money number: +233 (0)247828702 (Josephine Younge).
Account number: 0101100460900. Standard chartered bank
Account Name: Addai Grace Owusu
We call upon all nurses and midwives to help support our colleague. As it is becoming common for nurses and midwives having to beg for funds for care that they provide for others, we hope a permanent solution is considered to resolve this.