Table of Contents
A trolley containing the following:
- Top Shelf
- A sterile field with two sterile gallipot with a lid
- Bottom Shelf
- Cannula (Different sizes)
- Tourniquet
- Medication (Infusion bag/bottle, ampoule or vial)
- Syringe and needle
- Sterile glove
- Sterile cotton in a pack
- Antimicrobial solution (Methylated spirit)
- Sterile water
- Receiver for used items
- Sharps container
- Adhesive strips/tape
- Mackintosh and dressing towel
- Timer
- Drip stand
- Giving set
- Check for the right patient, right medication, right time, right dose against doctor’s order and treatment chart (manual or electronic) as well as the expiry date
- Check medication label and method of reconstitution as per manufacturer’s instructions
- Establish rapport (Refer to steps)
- Explain procedure to patient and ensure patient’s right to know/consent and to refuse
- Perform hand hygiene
- Prepare and sent trolley to the bed side
- Ensure a cannula is in situ
- Read the label on the vial and compare with patient’s treatment chart (manual or electronic) for the dosage
- Reconstitute as per manufacturers instruction/prescribers order
- Ensure quality of the medication (check for cloudiness, sediments and particles)
- Place infusion stand at the side of the bed
- Hang vial on the drip stand
- Draw the medication into a syringe
- Protect bed with a mackintosh and dressing towel
- Remove the cap from the other end of the giving set
- Connect giving set, fill the chamber half way and expel air
- Perform hand hygiene
- Wear sterile gloves
- Clean the entry port of cannula with antimicrobial solution (methylated spirit)
- Connect giving set to the cannula via entry port
- Regulate the flow rate as ordered with a timer
- Reposition patient appropriately in bed
- Observe patient for adverse reaction
- Encourage patient to report any adverse reaction
- Remove mackintosh and dressing towel
- Record time of setting up medication, name of medication and amount on the intake and output chart and Treatment Chart (Manual or Electronic)
- Document procedure on nurses’ notes and chart on the treatment chart (manual or electronic)
- Dispose off used items and decontaminate trolley
- Perform hand hygiene
- Check on patient after thirty (30) minutes for therapeutic effect
- Remove giving set from cannula after administration of medication and cover the entry port cannula