Table of Contents
- Admission bed and its accessories (Per patient condition)
- Manual or electronic folder
- Pen and paper
- Vital signs tray
- Admission and Discharge documents (Manual or Electronic)
- Admission and Discharge book
- TPR and BP charts
- Treatment sheets
- Inventory/Property book
- Ward state
- Report book
- Treatment or emergency tray
- Welcome the patient, relative(s) and accompanying nurse and take them to the nurse’s station
- Collect the necessary stationery for admission
- Identify and confirm the patient’s name
- Give chairs to the patient and relative(s) to sit
- Establish rapport (refer procedure) with the patient and relative(s)
- Ensure consent form has been signed by patient or significant others
- Complete the necessary admission forms (manual/electronic) by filling them with information collected from patient and relative(s)
- Search and remove all dangerous items such as sharps, lighter, chemicals etc. from patient if any
- Examine the patient from head to toe and record
- Conduct a quick assessment of the patient’s mental status
- Check vital signs and Blood Oxygen Saturation(SpO2) and record
- Ensure routine investigations (RBS, FBS, FBC etc.) per hospital protocol are checked and recorded
- Check weight and height of patient and record
- Inform relative(s) about the protocols for admission and visiting hours
- Assist patient to maintain personal hygiene if necessary
- Orient patient to his/her new environment
- Administer and record any prescribed treatment and observe its effects
- Take inventory of patient’s property and record
- Explain National Health/Private Insurance Schemes to patient and relative(s)
- If patient is a scheme holder, go ahead and process
- If patient is a cash-in patient, request for deposit per the institutional protocol
- Enter patient’s name into admission and discharge book and ward state
- Express appreciation to patient and relative(s)
- Allow relative(s) to see patient and bid goodbye
- Prepare care plan to nurse the patient
- Inform psychiatric social worker in the hospital
- Inform community psychiatric nurse in the patient’s community
- Document all assessments, findings and treatments in nurses’ notes (manual or electronic)