Saturday, September 7, 2024


Table of Contents


  1. Pen
  2. Observation or Blood Pressure chart
  3. Stethoscope
  4. Sphygmomanometer with appropriate cuff size
  5. Ruler
  6. Electronic device e.g. tablet


  1. Establish rapport and identify the patient by the name
  2. Explain procedure to patient
  3. Prepare tray and sent to bedside
  4. Assist patient into an appropriate resting position with the arm supported
  5. Stretch patient’s arm and places sphygmomanometer beside arm at the same level
  6. Empty cuff of air and place the center of the cuff over the brachial artery
  7. Wrap the cuff around arm above the elbow making sure the artery arrow marked on the outside of the cuff is placed correctly and secure the ends
  8. Inflates cuff by:
    1. Electronic – pressing the start knob and wait for reading to appear on the screen
    2. Manual
      1. Palpate radial artery and inflate cuff until pulse disappears and note the height of the mercury
      2. Check, wear and place stethoscope on brachial artery
      3. Release cuff pressure slowly and listen to the sound with stethoscope against the movement of the mercury
      4. Deflate the cuff until the mercury disappear
  9. Remove cuff and reassemble apparatus
  10. Thank and makes patient comfortable
  11. Record the findings on the observation chart
  12. Perform hand hygiene
  13. Assist patient to return to a desirable position
  14. Discuss findings with patient and report any abnormalities detected to appropriate officer