Table of Contents
- Blood Pressure apparatus
- Thermometer
- Pulse oximeter
- Timer with second hand
- Sanitary pad
- Sterile gloves
- Gynaecological gloves
- Urethral Catheter
- Uterotonic drugs
- Sterile Gallipot
- Antiseptic lotion (Methylated spirit, Savlon, Dettol, Hibitane)
- Sponge holding forceps (Sterile)
- Sterile swabs
- Intravenous Fluids (Normal Saline, Ringers Lactate)
- Intravenous cannula (various sizes)
- Suturing set
- Oxygen apparatus
- Establish rapport (Refer steps)
- Explain procedure (Refer steps)
- Ask client to empty the bladder
- Provide privacy and put client into the dorsal position
- Perform hand hygiene
- Examine the hair and scalp
- Examine the conjunctiva, mouth, nose and ears
- Examine the arms, hands and checks capillary refill of fingernail bed
- Examine breasts and inspect for establishment of lactation, excluding breast engorgement, cracked and sore nipples
- Inspect the abdomen, palpate uterus and measure fundal height
- Perform hand hygiene and put on gloves
- Instruct client to flex her knees and open her thighs exposing the vulva
- Remove perineal pad using one hand
- Inspect the lochia (colour, amount, odor)
- Discard soiled perineal pad
- Inspect vulva and perineum
- Clean vulva and perineum and apply fresh perineal pad using the other hand
- Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene
- Assist client to re-dress and assume a desired position in bed
- Educate and encourage client on good perineal hygiene
- Express appreciation and communicates findings to client
- Dispose off used items and decontaminate instruments
- Record findings into Maternal and Child Health Record Book (Manual/ Electronic)
- Report findings to officer-in-charge