Table of Contents
- A tray containing the following:
- Medicine with a dropper
- Sterile cotton swabs in a gallipot
- Gauze or paper wipes
- Solution bowl for water bath
- Sterile swabs stick
- Receiver for used items
- Treatment Chart (Manual or Electronic)
- Check for the right patient, right medication, right time, right dose against doctor’s order and treatment chart (manual or electronic) as well as the expiry date
- Establish rapport (Refer to steps)
- Explain procedure to patient (Refer to steps)
- Ensure patient’s right to know/consent and to refuse medication
- Perform hand hygiene
- Set tray and send to the bedside
- Check medication against the treatment chart (manual or electronic) for the right dosage
- Confirm the ear for their instillation by first inspecting unaffected ear then the affected ear
- Position patient in sitting up or lying down with the affected ear up
- Hold auricle upward, backward and outward to straighten the auditory canal of an adult. Hold it downward in a child
- Clean external auditory canal with sterile swab stick if there is a discharge
- Instruct patient to remain lying down with ear upward for about 5 minutes if necessary
- Hold medicine dropper almost horizontally, steady patient’s head to absorb excess ear drops
- Document procedure on nurses’ notes and chart on the treatment chart (manual or electronic)
- Assist patient into a desirable position
- Remain with patient for five (5) minutes if a child
- Dispose off used items and decontaminate tray
- Perform hand hygiene
- Report to appropriate officer