Table of Contents
- A tray containing the following:
- Medication with eye dropper
- Sterile cotton wool swab in a gallipot
- Bottle of sterile 0.9% ophthalmic saline
- Paper towels
- Treatment Chart (Manual or Electronic)
- Check for the right patient, right medication, right time, right dose against doctor’s order and treatment chart (manual or electronic) as well as the expiry date
- Establish rapport (Refer to steps)
- Explain procedure (Refer to steps)
- Ensure patient’s right to know/consent and to refuse medication
- Perform hand hygiene
- Set tray and send to the bedside
- Check medication against the treatment chart (manual or electronic) for the right dosage
- Assist patient to sit in an upright position or lie down with the neck slightly hyper extended
- Perform hand hygiene and wear gloves
- Clean eye gently with sterile cotton wool swab soaked in saline solution to remove any discharge or previous ointment
- Ask patient to look at the ceiling and retract lower eye lid with your dominant hand
- Place a wool swab on the lower lid against the lid margin
- Draw up eye drops
- Supporting eye dropper on bridge of patient’s nose instill medication as ordered onto conjunctival space of lower lid
- Wipe off excess medication with cotton wool, moving from inner to outer canthus
- Ask patient to keep the eye closed for one (1) to two (2) minutes
- Encourage patient to report any irritation or blurriness of vision
- Remove the gloves and perform hand hygiene
- Document procedure on nurses’ notes and chart on the treatment chart (manual or electronic)
- Dispose off used items and decontaminate tray
- Perform hand hygiene
- Report to appropriate officer