- Vital signs tray
- Speculum examination tray
- Foetal monitor
- IV fluids
- IV Cannula
- Cotton wool swabs
- Sterile gloves
- Perineal pad
- Delivery Set
- Prescribed Antibiotics
- Prescribed Tocolytics
- Prescribed Corticosteroids
- Resuscitaire
- Foetal kick count chart
- Maternal and Child Health Record Book (Manual/Electronic)
- Establish rapport (refer steps)
- Explain procedure to client (refer steps)
- Take history suggestive of PROM (onset, nature and amount)
- Perform hand hygiene and don examination gloves
- Perform general assessment from head to toe
- Check vital signs 4 hourly
- Monitor foetal heart sounds quarter hourly
- Teach and encourage client to do foetal kick count and to report no foetal movement as soon as possible
- Examine the perineal pad for the nature, amount, colour, odour of liquor
- Perform hand hygiene and do speculum examination to confirm PROM
- Perform an ultrasound scan to ascertain condition of foetus and amount of liquor
- Assess the gestational age and manage as such
- Administer oxygen to avoid maternal and foetal compromise
- Set up IV fluids (normal saline or Ringer’s Lactate) to run slowly
- Inform the Obstetrician and prepare for induction if the gestation is 37 weeks and above
- Administer prescribed combination of antibiotics if membranes have ruptured more than 18 hours
- Arrange for transporting the client to a higher facility for further management if at the Primary Health Care level
- Administer prescribed corticosteroids to the mother if pregnancy is less than 37 weeks and no signs of infection to improve foetal lungs maturity
- Communicate foetal condition to client and family
- Emphasize the need for client to adhere to information given
- Express appreciation of client for her cooperation
- Record and report all information in the Maternal and Child Health Book (Manual or Electronic)