Table of Contents
- A clean tray containing:
- Shaving device (Electronic/Disposable)
- Razor/Scissors
- Soap in a dish
- Alcohol rub
- Cotton wool swabs
- Sterile gauze
- A jar of water
- Gallipot
- Receiver for used sharps/swabs
- Protective material
- Gloves
- After-shave lotion/talcum powder
- Antiseptic lotion
- Screen
- Establish rapport (refer procedure)
- Explain procedure to the patient
- Determine the patient’s usual shaving routine
- Gather the patient’s preferred equipment taking into consideration any potential hazards
- Set and send tray to the bedside/appropriate place for the procedure
- Provide privacy
- Place patient in a sitting up position or lying position depending on the condition
- Cover patient with protective clothing e.g. mackintosh and towel
- Wear protective clothing and don gloves
- Inspect the face for any abnormalities such as elevated moles, birthmarks, lesions etc.
- Lather the face with shaving cream or soap according to patient’s preference
- Use short strokes with shaving device (electronic/disposable) and shave in the direction of the hair growth
- Start from the upper face and lip and extend to the neck
- Instruct the patient to tilt his/her head to help shave folded or curved areas
- Use the hand without the shaving device to pull the skin below the area being shaved
- Rinse the shaving device after each stroke as appropriate
- Rinse and dry the face when done
- Apply the patient’s choice of after-shave lotion
- Express appreciation to patient and direct him/her to the next activity
- Clear the tray, disinfect used items and perform hand hygiene
- Document procedure and any observations made in the nurses’ note/patient’s folder