Sunday, October 6, 2024


Table of Contents


  1. Tray for IV line
    1. Large bore IV cannula
    2. Gallipot
    3. Cotton wool swabs
    4. Receiver
  2. Tray for vital signs
  3. Oxygen apparatus
  4. Pulse oximeter
  5. Torch light
  6. Blood sample bottles
  7. IV fluids (Ringer’s Lactate or Normal Saline)
  8. Airway
  9. Ambu bag
  10. Oxygen face mask/Nasal prongs
  11. Glucometer with strips
  12. Lancet
  13. Emergency drug
    • Antihistamine
    • Epinephrine
    • Adrenalin
    • Uterotonic drug
    • Magnesium sulphate
    • Antihypertensive drug
  14. Blood volume expanders
  15. Sterile gauze swabs
  16. Speculum
  17. Swab holding forceps
  18. Patella Hammer
  19. Suction Apparatus


  1. Reassess the client conditions of signs of improvement
  2. Continuing monitoring of vital signs and note any deviations
  3. Carry out radiological and other investigations after client is stable
  4. Monitor intake and output
  5. Administer prescribed drugs
  6. Manage according to WHO/GHS protocol if the cause of shock is bleeding or infection
  7. Communicate the progress of client to family or significant others
  8. Seek or refer management if client condition fails to improve or stabilize
  9. Maintain Infection, Prevention and Control measures throughout management
  10. Record and report all information in the Maternal and Child Health Book (Manual or Electronic)