Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Table of Contents


  1. Tray for IV line
    1. Large bore IV cannula
    2. Gallipot
    3. Cotton wool swabs
    4. Receiver
  2. Tray for vital signs
  3. Oxygen apparatus
  4. Pulse oximeter
  5. Torch light
  6. Blood sample bottles
  7. IV fluids (Ringer’s Lactate or Normal Saline)
  8. Airway
  9. Ambu bag 10. Oxygen face mask/Nasal prongs
  10. Glucometer with strips
  11. Lancet
  12. Emergency drug
    1. Antihistamine
    2. Epinephrine
    3. Adrenalin
    4. Uterotonic drug
    5. Magnesium sulphate
    6. Antihypertensive drug
  13. Blood volume expanders
  14. Sterile gauze swabs
  15. Speculum
  16. Swab holding forceps
  17. Patella Hammer
  18. Suction Apparatus


  1. Call for immediate help
  2. Provide privacy
  3. Place client in appropriate position and elevate foot end of the bed to increase return of blood to the heart
  4. Perform rapid general assessment using ABCDE
  5. Assess the level of consciousness
  6. Perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  7. Administer of oxygen via facemask or nasal prong
  8. Check vital signs and record
  9. Check random blood sugar and record
  10. Assess clotting status using the bedside clotting test
  11. Take full clinical history from clients or any relative/significant others
  12. Communicate with client or relative and reassure them of recovery
  13. Set IV line and take blood sample for investigations
  14. Administer prescribed medications that would aid resuscitation
  15. Start administration of isotonic fluids
  16. Keep client warm in bed by adding extra sheet and blanket
  17. Keep client secured in bed by drawing up side rails
  18. Pass indwelling catheter connect to urine bag and monitor accurate intake and output
  19. Identify the cause of shock base on history and physical assessment