Table of Contents
- A trolley containing:
- PPH pack
- Cannular (16/18 guage)
- Isotonics IV fluids
- Blood volume expanders
- Perineal pad
- Sterile gallipot
- Speculum
- Urine catheter
- Urine bag
- Sterile vaginal
- Sterile swabs
- Adhesive tape
- Vital signs tray
- Blood sample bottles
- Request form
- Foetal Stethoscope
- Antiseptic lotion
- Oxygen apparatus
- Facemask/nasal prong
- Suction apparatus
- Receiver
- Uterotonic drugs
- Sponge holding forceps
- Blood Pressure apparatus
- Thermometer
- Pulse oximeter
- Sanitary pad
- Gynaecological gloves
- Antiseptic lotion (Methylated spirit, Savlon, Dettol, Hibitane)
- Intravenous. Fluids (Normal Saline, Ringers Lactate)
- Intravenous cannula (various sizes)
- Establish rapport (refer steps)
- Explain procedure to client (refer steps)
- Call for immediate help or support
- Perform rapid assessment of client’s general condition
- Massage uterus to promote contractions and expel clots
- Give uterotonic drugs e.g. oxytocin 10 IU IM
- Set up IV line and take blood sample for laboratory investigations and arrange for whole blood frozen plasma
- Start IV infusion e.g. normal saline and Ringer’s Lactate
- Pass indwelling urethral catheter and connect to bag
- Monitor intake and output
- Assess for signs and symptoms of shock and resuscitate
- Assess cause of bleeding
- Manage as per WHO/GHS protocols
- Counsel mother and family on her condition
- Arrange for transfer to higher level if bleeding persists
- Prepare client for surgery if indicated
- Record all procedures in the Maternal and Child Health Record Book (Manual/Electronic)