Sunday, October 6, 2024


Table of Contents


  1. Conducive environment
  2. Companion of choice
  3. Pain assessment chart
  4. Prescribed medication


  1. Establish rapport (refer to steps)
  2. Sit near client’s bed and engage her in conversation in a calm manner
  3. Involve companion in the management
  4. Assess the degree of pain, location, quality intensity, duration and factors that decrease or increase the pain (with a pain assessment chart)
  5. Ensure a conducive environment to enhance rest (open windows) and relaxation
  6. Introduce the available methods of relieving pain to client and companion
  7. Assist client make an informed decision on available methods of pain relief
  8. Educate and encourage client to adapt to preferred positions in bed
  9. Encourage the companion to give sacral massage with every contraction
  10. Encourage companion to engage client in conversation of her interest
  11. Introduce client to deep breathing exercises during contractions intermittently
  12. Ask client her preferred music and play as such
  13. Encourage client to take in cool nourishing fluids if tolerated
  14. Assess maternal and foetal condition according to the Labour Chart Guide
  15. Assess the degree of dilatation
  16. Administer prescribed medications when all non-pharmacological methods fail
  17. Monitor client and foetus to rule out any abnormalities
  18. Call Obstetrician in-charge if all measures fail and client is in intense pain
  19. Record all strategies and management in the Maternal and Child Health Record Book